CGBM observations of GRB241213B
No trigger
Observation date: 2024/12/13
Reference time UT (=MAXI trigger time): 12:56:30.0
Reference time MDC: 1418129753.43565
A description of the CALET Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (CGBM) can be found in this paper.
CGBM light curves
Click here for the CGBM ASCII light curve file
The format of the ASCII lc:
- From left to right: (MDC time) (HXM1 7-10 keV) (HXM1 10-25 keV) (HXM1 25-50 keV) (HXM1 50-100 keV) | (HXM1 60-100 keV) (HXM1 100-170 keV) (HXM1 170-300 keV) (HXM1 300-3000 keV) | (HXM2 7-10 keV) (HXM2 10-25 keV) (HXM2 25-50 keV) (HXM2 50-100 keV) | (HXM2 60-100 keV) (HXM2 100-170 keV) (HXM2 170-300keV) (HXM2 300-3000 keV) | (SGM 40-100 keV) (SGM 100-230 keV) (SGM 230-450 keV) (SGM 450-1000 keV) | (SGM 550-830 keV) (SGM 830-1500 keV) (SGM 1500-2600 keV) (SGM 2600-28000 keV)
- Numbers of each instruments are in the unit of counts in 0.125 s.
- The MDC time is at the end of the bins.
This page was created on 2024/12/14.