CGBM observations of GRB240624B

Trigger number: 1403291510
Trigger date: 2024/06/24
Trigger time UT: 19:19:42.896
Trigger time MDC: 1403291510.61056
Trigger detector(s): 1 1 1
Flight alert notice:

A description of the CALET Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (CGBM) can be found in this paper.

CGBM light curves

CGBM HXM1 lc for GRB240624B CGBM HXM2 lc for GRB240624B
CGBM SGM lc for GRB240624B CGBM SGM bg-subtracted lc for GRB240624B
  • Click here for the CGBM ASCII light curve file

    The format of the ASCII lc:

    This page was created on 2024/06/26.